Societate franco-romana de inchirieri de autoturisme, infiintata la Bucuresti din 1992, FRANCROCAR a dobandit o experienta care ii permite sa imbine armonios amabilitatea ospitalitatii romane si seriozitatea eficacitatii franceze.
Parcul nostru este compus din autoturisme moderne ce fac obiectul unei atentii si intretineri permanente.
Supletea structurii noastre este adaptata filozofiei societatii ilustrata prin deviza “disponibilitatea in serviciul eficacitatii”. Ea permite sa rezolve mare parte din problemele de deplasare cu care clientii nostri ar putea sa se confrunte.
Societatea noastra ofera tarife accesibile oricui. Preturile sunt exprimate in € si includ toate taxele si asigurarile, cu exceptia unei francise (prime de asigurare).
1. Nu se percepe taxa pentru al doilea sofer.
2. Inchiriere cu sofer
3. Livrare gratuita la aeroport.
4. Livrare in tara la solicitarea clientului.
5. Se poate asigura scaun pentru copil.
6. 24 de ore rezervare si confirmare.
Conditii generale de inchiriere
Clientul trebuie sa aiba minim 23 de ani, sa fie posesor de permis de conducere de peste 2 ani si sa aiba pasaport sau titlu de sejur valabil.
Utilizarea vehiculului
Clientul se angajeaza sa conduca vehiculul inchiriat respectand dispozitiile legale privind conducerea autoturismului. In caz de infractiune, este responsabil penal.
Starea vehiculului
Vehiculul este inchiriat in buna stare de functionare si de caroserie.
In caz de pana sau de accident, clientul va informa fara intarziere proprietarul care va da toate instructiunile adaptate situatiei.
Tarifele sunt stabilite in €. Platile in numerar sunt acceptate la cursul B.N.R. din ziua efectuarii platii.
Se accepta plata cu carte de credit .
Carburant si ulei
Carburantul este in sarcina clientului.
Uleiul si intretinerea vehiculului sunt in sarcina proprietarului.
Clientul trebuie sa verifice nivelul de ulei, iar daca este necesar de completat va fi rambursat pe baza prezentarii unei facturi achitate.
Vehiculul este asigurat pentru daune cauzate tertilor.
Daunele suferite de vehiculul inchiriat, din vina clientului, sunt asigurate sub rezerva unei sume de 200 – 300 €.
Imbracamintea si obiectele transportate nu sunt asigurate.
Livrare / Restituire
Are loc la sediul societatii proprietarului.
La cerere clientul poate fi asteptat la aeroport sau in alte locatii din Romania pe baza unui tarif convenit.
Orice litigiu ce apare la executarea prezentului contract va fi supus instantelor competente a jurisdictiei din Bucuresti.
Prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal
FRANCROCAR colecteazã si prelucreazã date cu caracter personal în conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 677/2001 pentru protectia persoanelor cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si libera circulatie a acestor date (cu modificãrile ulterioare) si ale Regulamentului UE nr. 679/2016 privind protectia persoanelor fizice în ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si privind libera circulatie a acestor date. Prin termenii si conditiile Contractului de Închiriere, FRANCROCAR informeazã persoanele vizate ale cãror date sunt colectate cu privire la modul si scopul în care aceste date sunt utilizate si, totodatã, aduce la cunostinta persoanelor vizate drepturile cuvenite.
a) Date de contact: SC FRANCROCAR INTERNATIONAL S.R.L ,Nr. înregistrare: J40/11891/2007 , RO21966778 ,Telefon: 021/230.47.89
b) Date de contact ale responsabilului cu protectia datelor: telefon : 021/230.47.89 , E-mail:
c) Scopurile prelucrĂŁrii datelor cu caracter personal
FRANCROCAR colecteazã date cu caracter personal pe care le poate prelucra în scopuri precum:
- Prestarea serviciilor de închiriere autoturisme (înregistrarea rezervãrii de închiriere, încheierea contractului de închiriere, servicii de asistentã pe parcursul contractului de închiriere, emiterea documentelor fiscale);
- Respectarea obligatiilor legale;
- Scopuri de marketing/ promovare/ evaluare a calitĂŁtii serviciilor Francrocar (inclusiv prin transmiterea mesajelor de tip newsletter );
- Solutionarea reclamatiilor;
- Emiterea certificatelor de asigurare/ solutionare a dosarelor de daunĂŁ;
- Emiterea împuternicirilor pentru trecerea frontierei;
- Emiterea scrisorilor de deblocare a sumelor preautorizate cĂŁtre entitĂŁtile bancare.
Temeiul legal pentru colectarea si procesarea datelor persoanelor vizate pentru fiecare din scopurile definite mai sus poate fi:
- Interesul legitim al FRANCROCAR
- Contractul de ĂŽnchiriere la care persoana vizatĂŁ este parte;
- Consimtãmântul persoanei vizate;
- O obligatie legalĂŁ.
d) Destinatari ai datelor cu caracter personal
În fluxul de procesare si stocare, datele cu caracter personal ar putea fi transferate, în functie de necesitate, urmãtoarelor categorii de destinatari:
- AutoritĂŁti ale statului (inclusiv autoritĂŁti fiscale);
- Furnizori implicati în mod direct/indirect în procesul de închiriere (de exemplu, furnizori de servicii IT, furnizori de servicii de facturare, furnizori de servicii de marketing, newsletter, evaluarea satisfactiei clientilor);
- SocietĂŁti de asigurare;
- SocietĂŁti de leasing auto;
- Institutiile bancare emitente ale instrumentelor de platĂŁ folosite de cĂŁtre persoana vizatĂŁ;
e) Perioada stocĂŁrii datelor
Datele personale vor fi pãstrate pentru perioada de timp prevãzutã de dispozitiile legale specifice si atât timp cât rãmân necesare pentru scopurile mentionate mai sus.
f) Drepturile persoanelor vizate
Persoanele vizate ale cãror date personale sunt colectate de FRANCROCAR au urmãtoarele drepturi conform legislatiei în domeniu:
- Dreptul de a solicita Francrocar , în ceea ce priveste datele cu caracter personal referitoare la persoana vizatã, accesul la acestea, rectificarea sau stergerea acestora sau restrictionarea prelucrãrii sau a dreptului de a se opune prelucrãrii, precum si a dreptului la portabilitatea datelor;
- Dreptul de a retrage consimtãmântul în orice moment, fãrã a afecta legalitatea prelucrãrii efectuate pe baza consimtãmântului înainte de retragerea acestuia;
French-Romanian company of hiring of cars established in Bucharest since 1992, FRANCROCAR acquired an experiment which enables him harmoniously to combine the kindness of the Rumanian greeting and the serious one of the French effectiveness.
Our automobile park is composed of modern cars which are the subject of a permanent follow-up and a maintenance.
The flexibility of our structure is adapted to the philosophy of the company, illustrated by the currency ” the availability with the service of the effectiveness “. It makes it possible to solve the majority of the problems of displacement with which our customers can be confronted.
Our tariffs are among the best of Romania. They are expressed in and include the taxes as well as the insurances subject to the frankness
1. No extra charge for additional driver.
2. Hired driver .
3. Free to pick-up the car at the airport.
4. Cars available allover the country at request.
5. Child sits available.
6. Call for reservation and confirmation 24 h.
General conditions for renting a car
The client mentioned overleaf must be minimum 23 years old, in possession of a valid driving license at least 2 year old and a valid passport and visa.
The client agrees to use the vehicle in consideration of the law. In case of contravention, he is responsible.
Use of the vehicle
The client agrees to use the vehicle in consideration of the law. In case of contravention, he is responsible.
Condition of vehicle
The vehicle is delivered to the client in good overall condition. It must be reported to the owner as soon as possible, each damage or accident and he’ll give all instructions in accordance with the situation.
All tariffs are computed in €. Cash payment can be made in computed at the daily rate of exchange. The payment by credit card is accepted.
Gasoline and oil
The gasoline full is in the charge of the client.
The car’s owner is responsible for oil and maintenance.
The client must verify the oil level and to complete, if is necessary, and based on the invoice he takes many back.
All cars are insured for damages caused to third part.
All damages caused to the rental vehicle by renter’s fault are covered by the insurance, excepting that less than 200 – 300 € that will be in the client’s charge.
The clothes and the other objects transported are not covered by the insurance.
Usually, that it happens at the rental office.
There is also the possibility of an agreement between the owner and the client to establish another place, in change of a certain fee.
All dispute which may appear in connection with this contraction with this contract could be submissive to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Bucharest.
Prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal
Francrocar collects and processes personal data, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (with subsequent amendments) and the EU Regulation no. 679/2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data. Through the terms and conditions of the Rental Agreement, Francrocar informs the persons concerned, whose data are collected, with regard to the manner and purpose in which such data is used and, at the same time, brings to the knowledge of the persons concerned their due rights.
a) Contact data: SC FRANCROCAR INTERNATIONAL S.R.L. , Registration no.: J40/11891/2007, RO 21966778 ,Telephone number: 021/230.47.89
b) Contact data of the person responsible for data protection: Telephone number: 021/230.47.89 , E-mail:
c) The purposes of the personal data processing
FRANCROCAR collects personal data, which it may process for purposes such as:
- Providing car rental services (registration of the rental reservation, conclusion of the rental agreement, assistance services throughout the duration of the rental agreement, issuing fiscal documents);
- Observing legal provisions;
- Purposes of marketing/ promotion/ service quality evaluation for FRANCROCAR (including through sending newsletter/ text message type messages);
- Resolving complaints;
- Issuing insurance certificates/ damage claims solutions;
- Issuing power of attorney for crossing the border;
- EIssuing letters to bank entities for unlocking the pre-authorized amounts. The legal grounds for collecting and processing the data of the persons concerned for each of the purposes defined above may be:
- The legitimate interest of FRANCROCAR;
- The Rental Agreement which the person concerned is part of;
- The agreement of the person concerned;
- A legal obligation.
d) Recipients of the personal data
In the collection and storage flux, the personal data may be transferred, depending on necessity, to the following categories of recipients:
- State authorities (including fiscal authorities);
- Suppliers involved directly/indirectly in the rental process (for example, IT services suppliers, billing services suppliers, marketing services suppliers, newsletter, client satisfaction evaluation);
- Insurance companies;
- Car leasing companies;
- Bank institutions that issued the payment instruments used by the person concerned;
f) Period for the storage of data
The personal data shall be kept for a time period mentioned in the specific legal provisions and as much as necessary for the purposes mentioned above.
g) The rights of the persons concerned
The persons concerned, whose data are collected by Avis, have the following rights, according to the legislation in the field:
- The right to request FRANCROCAR , with regard to the personal data regarding the person concerned, access to such data, their rectification or deletion or the restriction of the processing or the right to oppose the processing, as well as the right to the portability of the data;
- The right to withdraw consent at any moment, without affecting the legality of the processing made based on the consent given before its withdrawal .
Société franco-roumaine de location de voitures implantée à Bucarest depuis 1992, FRANCROCAR a acquis une expérience qui lui permet d’allier harmonieusement la gentillesse de l’accueil roumain et le sérieux de l’efficacité française.
Notre parc automobile est composé de voitures modernes qui font l’objet d’un suivi et d’un entretien permanents.
La souplesse de notre structure est adaptĂ©e Ă la philosophie de l’entreprise, illustrĂ©e par la devise “la disponibilitĂ© au service de l’efficacitĂ©”. Elle permet de rĂ©soudre la plupart des problèmes de dĂ©placement auxquels nos clients peuvent ĂŞtre confrontĂ©s. Nos tarifs sont parmi les meilleurs de Roumanie. Ils sont exprimĂ©s en € et incluent les taxes ainsi que les assurances sous rĂ©serve de la franchise.
Nos avantages
1. Aucun supplĂ©ment n’est demandĂ© pour les conducteurs multiples.
2. Location avec chauffeur .
3. Accueil à l’aeroport ou livraison n’importe à Bucarest.
4. Livraison dans toutes les villes de Roumanie moyennant un supplément.
5. Chaise pour enfant.
6. Les demandes de location sont reçues et peuvent être confirmées 24 h sur 24.
Conditions générales de location
Le locataire du véhicule décrit au présent contrat doit être agé de plus de 23 ans, titulaire d’un permis de conduire valable depuis plus de 2 ans et d’un passeport ou titre de séjour en cours de validité.
Utilisation du vehicule
Le locataire s’engage à conduire le véhicule loué en respectant les dispositions légales relatives à la conduite automobile. En cas d’infraction, il demeure pénalement responsable.
Etat du vehicule
Le véhicule est loué en bon état de marche et de carrosserie.
En cas de panne ou d’accident, le locataire informera sans délai le loueur qui donnera toutes instructions adaptées à la situation.
Les tarifs sont établis en €. Les paiements cash sont acceptés au cours de change du jour de paiement.
Les paiements par cartes bancaires sont acceptés.
Essence et huile
L’essence est à la charge du client.
L’huile et l’entretien sont à la charge du loueur.
Le locataire doit vérifier les niveaux d’huile dont le complément éventuel lui sera remboursé sur présentation d’une facture acquittée.
Le véhicule est assuré pour les dommages causés aux tiers.
Les dommages subis par le vĂ©hicule louĂ©, du fait du locataire, sont assurĂ©s sous rĂ©serve d’une franchise de 200 – 300 € qui reste Ă la charge du locataire.
Les vêtements et objets transportés ne sont pas assurés.
Livraison / Restitution
Elles ont lieu normalement au siège du loueur.
Elles peuvent s’effectuer en tout autre endroit avec l’accord du loueur et moyennant une indemnité convenue.
Tout litige né de l’exécution du présent contrat sera soumis aux tribunaux compétents de la juridiction de Bucarest.